

adb commands for Quest MTP mode

i am using adb that's rolled up with scrcpy. run the following command to trigger mtp mode on the headset.

./adb shell svc usb setFunctions mtp

Svelte's Adapter Static

install with npm i -D @sveltejs/adapter-static

...and add the prerender option to your root layout:

// This can be false if you're using a fallback (i.e. SPA mode)
export const prerender = true;
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static';

export default {
    kit: {
        adapter: adapter({
            // default options are shown. On some platforms
            // these options are set automatically — see below
            pages: 'build',
            assets: 'build',
            fallback: undefined,
            precompress: false,
            strict: true

to ship

echo "> publishing build"

echo "... removing old build from"
rm -r ../../web/*

echo "... copying from build dir"
cp -a ./build/. ../../web/

echo "... complete"


@font-face {
    font-family: "pointfree";
    font-style: normal;
    src: local(""), url("/fonts/pointfree.ttf");
sudo systemctl restart nginx

Gunicorn Calls

raw terminal call

gunicorn -b= api:api -w 1 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker

screen call (with name)

screen -S demo-tiny-note -m gunicorn -b= api:api -w 1 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker

screen call within a bash script (

bash -c "screen -S demo-tiny-note -m gunicorn -b= api:api -w 1 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker"

Arch Fonts in nerd-fonts

this is a huge package but will install on carbon to test different typefaces

i'm a fan of Mononoki Nerd Font Propo. it is quite legibile at a small font size in vscode and emacs

[bil@carbon ~]$ sudo pacman -S nerd-fonts
    :: There are 63 members in group nerd-fonts:
    :: Repository extra
       1) otf-aurulent-nerd  2) otf-codenewroman-nerd  3) otf-comicshanns-nerd  4) otf-commit-mono-nerd  5) otf-droid-nerd  6) otf-firamono-nerd
       7) otf-geist-mono-nerd  8) otf-hasklig-nerd  9) otf-hermit-nerd  10) otf-monaspace-nerd  11) otf-opendyslexic-nerd  12) otf-overpass-nerd
       13) ttf-0xproto-nerd  14) ttf-3270-nerd  15) ttf-agave-nerd  16) ttf-anonymouspro-nerd  17) ttf-arimo-nerd  18) ttf-bigblueterminal-nerd
       19) ttf-bitstream-vera-mono-nerd  20) ttf-cascadia-code-nerd  21) ttf-cascadia-mono-nerd  22) ttf-cousine-nerd  23) ttf-d2coding-nerd
       24) ttf-daddytime-mono-nerd  25) ttf-dejavu-nerd  26) ttf-envycoder-nerd  27) ttf-fantasque-nerd  28) ttf-firacode-nerd  29) ttf-go-nerd
       30) ttf-hack-nerd  31) ttf-heavydata-nerd  32) ttf-iawriter-nerd  33) ttf-ibmplex-mono-nerd  34) ttf-inconsolata-go-nerd  35) ttf-inconsolata-lgc-nerd
       36) ttf-inconsolata-nerd  37) ttf-intone-nerd  38) ttf-iosevka-nerd  39) ttf-iosevkaterm-nerd  40) ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd  41) ttf-lekton-nerd
       42) ttf-liberation-mono-nerd  43) ttf-lilex-nerd  44) ttf-martian-mono-nerd  45) ttf-meslo-nerd  46) ttf-monofur-nerd  47) ttf-monoid-nerd
       48) ttf-mononoki-nerd  49) ttf-mplus-nerd  50) ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols  51) ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-mono  52) ttf-noto-nerd  53) ttf-profont-nerd
       54) ttf-proggyclean-nerd  55) ttf-roboto-mono-nerd  56) ttf-sharetech-mono-nerd  57) ttf-sourcecodepro-nerd  58) ttf-space-mono-nerd
       59) ttf-terminus-nerd  60) ttf-tinos-nerd  61) ttf-ubuntu-mono-nerd  62) ttf-ubuntu-nerd  63) ttf-victor-mono-nerd

Get names of fonts in Linux

use the software fc-list to read out font names. you can combine it with grep or create a new file and search/browse with emacs. I just run fc-list > fontslist ; emacs fontslist

in i3 we can then add the font as pango:Font Name 14